Welcome to a new and very exciting school year! I am thrilled to be back at Lakeshore School and working with such fantastic staff and students. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Tonya Van De Ven, and I have been teaching at Lakeshore for the past two years. Previous to that, I spent a year teaching in England and travelling all over Europe. I will be the homeroom teacher for the Grade 5/6 class where we will spend our time exploring the wonderful world of Spelling and Grammar, Math, and Phys Ed. In addition to this role, I will continue teaching French to the Kindergarten and Grade 1/2 classes. I will be working with all grades in Phys Ed.
I had a wonderful, but very busy summer, going to weddings, working at camp, and travelling to The Netherlands where I had a minor biking accident. I am excited to get back to school and see everyone’s smiling faces!!
Fun Facts about me:
Favourite Food – Lasagna, Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread
Favourite Sports – Figure Skating and Baseball
Favourite Vacation – Portugal
Favourite Subject – Math and Phys Ed
Favourite Book – Harry Potter Series
Ms Van de Ven,
I hope you had a great summer!!! We are so happy you are the 5-6 grade teacher this year, specially Gala.
I wish you the best for 2017-18!
See you sooon
Barbara, Adrian and Gala
Ms. Van de Ven,
Looks like you had a very active summer. We hope your elbow is healing well. We are excited to start this new school year with you. Aidan is looking forward to Grade 5.
See you soon!
we’re excited to get to know you better, and looking forward to an eventful grate 6.
Lily and Dorit