We are full speed ahead with after school activities, including soccer club, games club, and golf club!! We got to experience Mr. Schleger’s yummy BBQing for hot lunch this week, some of Celeste’s awesome grilled cheese, and great pizza!
Academically, we were really focused on getting organized in our classes and making sure assignments were done with quality! A superior job was done on our Math tests, and Spelling tests, and it’s showing that everyone is really going that extra mile. Ms. V is very proud of us!!!!! We have been working hard to complete our personal memoirs, speak “seulment en français”, research and prepare presentations on star constellations, and perfect our soccer skills. We even managed to get Mr. Spencer off topic in Social Studies and talk to us about plate tectonics after we discussed the recent earthquake in Mexico for our morning news article.
We also had some lengthy discussions on this week’s backpacking trip. We can’t wait to hit the trails for some hiking, swimming, and camping. Stay tuned to hear about our adventure!!!
Have a good trip. I can’t wait to hear the stories about it!