This week we went to the Corn Maze on Wolfe Island. On our way to the corn maze, we were able to look at the Kingston skyline from the Wolfe Island Ferry.
When we we arrived at the corn maze, we went through the small maze where there were 17 dead ends. As we walked through the maze, we chanted, “We are in the corn maze – Getting Lost!!” We got lost THIRTEEN times!! Actually, we only found 12 of the dead ends, but we found one of them twice!! We were the last group to find the Golden Goose. We needed to have a lot of help from Garth, the keeper of the maze, to make it out of the maze!
However, getting lost wasn’t the only thing we did at the corn maze. We saw a lot of corn growing on the corn stalks, and we learned what the corn is used for after it gets harvested. We also got to pet two bunnies and see some goats. The bunnies were very soft and fluffy!
The Grade 3/4’s