The Grade 1/2 class had a very busy January! We started the month by making New Year Resolutions and promises for 2018. Some of us promised to listen better and work more independently. Some promises were about helping more at home. We were sad to say good-bye to our St Lawrence placement student and had a farewell party to send her back to school. We had lots of fun learning to skate at the Invista Centre for Phys Ed class. Some of us even learned to skate backwards! There was a lot of snow in January, and we had lots of fun playing outside at recess. When it was too cold outside we danced inside. Our Flat Stanley projects and letters have started to come back to us in the mail. We had pictures and information arrive in the mail from Toronto, Montreal, North Bay, British Columbia, and Fredericton. Hopefully more will arrive soon! It is very exciting to mark our map with push pins and research the places that Flat Stanley has visited.