Hello Lakeshore Community!
The grade 7/8 class had a very busy start to the School year! In Math class, the students have been working very diligently on the Saxon Algebra program as they learn new skills and activate their prior knowledge. The grade 7’s have been reviewing the basic mathematical operations, order of operations, long multiplication, long division and solving word problems. The grade 8’s have been reviewing math operations involving fractions as well as angles, polygons, perimeter, area and circumference. They are ready for more challenges as move into October!
In Science class, the grade 7 class has been learning about Pure Substances and Mixtures, and different ways to separate mixtures. The grade 8 class has been learning about Fluids and Viscosity, and conducted a rate flow experiment involving household materials. It was a bit chaotic but informative!
We also had a busy month in terms of our Outdoor Experiential education. In addition to having a great time at Lake Ontario Park, and participating in the Terry Fox Run – the grade 7/8 class went on a kayaking trip in Gananoque where the students had an amazing time. Our skills and stamina were put to the test!
We are looking forward to the new learning and challenges ahead!