Grade 3/4 Engineers

Grade 3/4 Engineers

For Science this term we have been learning about strong and stable structures. We have completed design challenges that had us build the tallest free standing structure, the strongest structure, and even a chair out of straws!

During our design challenges we saw how different shapes make a structure stable. We also talked about what made our designs successful and how we could improve our designs.

We used what we had learned about building shapes to help the Kindergarten class learn about 3D shapes. We had to help the kindergartens build different pyramids and prisms by only giving verbal instructions. We were not allowed to touch anything! This was one of our hardest challenges, but we did it! We think the kinders had a lot of fun. We know we did!!


We have really enjoyed doing the design challenges in class and becoming  Grade 3/4 Engineers!

The Grade 3/4’s