February has been another great month of learning and fun in the Grade 3/4 class. Students have had many fun outings and learned a lot this month. Here are the highlights:
Little Cat Creek
We headed back to Little Cat Creek this month to continue our Outdoor Education learning series. We learned about different animal adaptations in winter weather and tried out snowshoeing. We all really enjoyed exploring the forest on our snowshoes. It was much easier than walking in our boots! We also learned about how to build shelters to protect us if we are outside in the cold. Students worked in terrific teams to design and build temporary shelters.

100th Day of School
It is hard to believe that we have been at school for 100 days! Students celebrated the 100th day of school with special reading, writing, and math activities. We also used an app to make us look like we were 100 years old! We thought that was pretty fun!

Students continue to work very hard in class. In Language Arts this month, students wrapped up their novel studies and completed book reports. The Grade 3’s completed a Sandwich book report that highlighted all of the components of The Tale of Despereaux. We loved this classic tale by Kate DiCamillo and are sad that it has come to an end! The Grade 4’s have been working on their independent novel studies. They created really awesome lap books that showcased the components of their novels. Everyone worked really hard and the final products were very impressive. In Social Studies this month we continued our exploration of Pioneers and Medieval Times. We are really enjoying learning about how people lived during these periods of history. A big focus has been investigating the lasting impact of these societies on the modern world. In Physical Education we wrapped up our basketball unit and started to train for cross-country running. Overall, it has been a very productive month.

Coming Up
This weekend kicks off the start of March Break! Everyone is looking forward to two weeks of rest and relaxation before diving back into learning.

Lots of great learning and fun! Thanks for sharing