We cannot believe that it is the last day of school before March Break!! We are super excited to sleep in tomorrow morning! The last week before March Break was Spirit Week! Our class planned out the days for the Spirit Week. We dressed up as our favourite character, had some crazy hair, wore some…
Category: Blogs
Basketball, Birdhouses, and Pasta With a Purpose
This week was extremely eventful in the 7/8 classroom. On Monday a large group of senior students spent the day at REGI high-school, representing Lakeshore school in the ALCDSB basketball tournament. The students that stayed at school got a start on their history projects. This week a large amount of class time was dedicated the…
Skiing, Valentine's Day, Olympics and 100 Days of School, Oh My!

It is hard to believe that we have been in school for 100 days! We have done so many things over the last few months!
Ski Trip
A few of us went on the ski trip! We had fun exploring the different hills and skiing our way down the runs!
Valentine’s Day
We exchanged Valentines in our class. We hung out with the grade 1/2 class at school and we built different sculptures and baked some Valentine’s Day cookies.
We have been learning about the Olympics in class. We have talked about the different sports, the athletes, and the provinces they train in. The Kindergartens to Grade 6’s competed in a house team Olympics outside. We competed in obstacle courses, snow soccers and made snow sculptures.
Little Cat Creek
Throughout February we went to Little Cat Creek. We went snowshoeing through the forest

Speeding Down the Slopes...
The week of the 11-16 of February was special for the 5/6’s because on Wednesday, February 14th, we went to Calabogie Peaks to ski!
We took several cars for the 2 ½ hour trip and then got our ski gear on and flew through our tests. Everyone got a group lesson, going down the easiest trail with a ski instructor who would stop and teach us as we went. At 3:00, several people went home, but it was an overnight trip, so those staying enjoyed an hour of skiing without other school groups around. After skiing, a few students went to the pool and hot tub to relax, and we had a delicious taco dinner. We all went to our rooms and suites for a good night’s sleep before the next long day.
In the morning, there were a dozen options for breakfast with croissants, yogurt, granola, bagels, cereal…you name it, it was there. At 8:30 am sharp, everybody was waiting at the lifts, excited to go up for another day. For lunch, we had a sandwich bar with many options. After the refreshing feast, most kids went out to ski until 3:00. Then, the second wave of kids went home for the 4 day weekend.
Thank you to the parents who helped and the teachers who came along and organized this fantastic trip. Everyone had so much fun!!!

February Fun!
We learned about hibernation and animals that adapt to winter during our visits to Little Catarqui Creek. We pretended to be animals and made warm homes for ourselves in the snow and in trees so we could stay warm for the winter. We learned about what changes occur in animals to adapt to the colder weather. We enjoyed some warm tea with each visit while enjoying the beautiful weather. We can’t forget about feeding the chickadees!

A Short Week
This week was very busy, the Grade 8’s had interviews for the Challenge Program at L.C.V.I. to see if they would be accepted into the program. The Ski Trip to Calabogie started on Wednesday February 14th, and ended Thursday, February 15th. If students were not participating in the Ski Trip, they participated in a Valentine’s…

New Year News in the Kindergarten Class!
It is February already! January flew by in the Kindergarten class! We started by skating at the Invista Center for Phys Ed. The children persevered and improved each time we went. We have some very good skaters in our class! They did an awesome job and had a great time! The big kids helped them…
Olympics have begun!!
On Monday, Feb 5th, we had an exciting class with Mr. Richard. With his guidance and assistance, we have been working hard to create bird houses in art class. This includes planning, designing, cutting wood, and painting. We even got to use the nail gun! The Toronto Zoo came into school and taught us about…

Our First Month of 2018!!
Welcome to Lakeshore School in 2018!!
We have had a very busy start to the New Year.
Some of our highlights for the month are:
- Art – We have been making a bird house. We had to draw and design our bird house before we could cut the wood. Mr. Richard showed us how to safely use some tools. It has been very fun using the different tools to cut and attach the walls and roof of our bird house.
- Language Arts – We have been working through our Novel Studies. We are almost done Bridge to Terabithia and were very surprised by an event that happened in the book.
- Gym – As a whole school we went skating once a week for 3 weeks. We had a lot fun skating together
- Tech- We have done a lot of cool stuff in tech class this month. We did a photoshop challenge with the grade 5/6 class where we worked with other members of our house teams to make the silliest looking picture of Mrs. Bullock, Ms. Tonya and Ms. Singh. We have also been programming our own games in Scratch. We have designed a game that moves a ball around the screen and we have to avoid different obstacles.
This has been another busy month! We are looking forward to what February has in store!
The Grade 3/4’s
Blades, Treats and Timber
The week from January 22nd to 26th 2018 began with a snow day, on which every Lakeshore student studied hard at home ;). Tuesday we started our project teaching different aspects of math to younger grades, and those of us involved in the play received our full scripts and started tackling memorization. Wednesday, the whole…