This week was extremely eventful in the 7/8 classroom. On Monday a large group of senior students spent the day at REGI high-school, representing Lakeshore school in the ALCDSB basketball tournament. The students that stayed at school got a start on their history projects.
This week a large amount of class time was dedicated the the 7/8’s History Project. Over the past few weeks Ms. Singh’s history classes focused on Aboriginal Culture, and the Residential Schools. As a final project the 7/8’s researched their chosen topic, (i.e The Berry Fast, The Sweatlodge, Turtle Island, and The seven Grandfathers) and then displayed their research in the form of a sculpture, story, or short documentary. Much progress have been made as the 7/8’s ready themselves for their presentation next Monday evening. On Monday and Wednesday after school many students remained at school for Study hall, to work on any homework, or long term projects.
On Thursday the grade 7/8 band started to work on a new song in music class. The song is called “Hey Ya!”, and it is an extremely fun song to play.
This week tickets were also sent home with 7/8 to be sold for “Pasta for a Purpose”, a fundraiser for the 7/8’s end of the year trip, organized by Ms. Singh, and a few of the 7/8 students. If you would like to come to the fundraiser, or help in any way please contact Ms. Singh.
Time on Thursday was also spent working on “Purple Martin Bird Houses” , a building project the 7/8’s have been working on over the past few weeks with Richard Louis. Wednesday during Language Arts the grade 7/8’s focused on writing Character Charts on prominent characters who appear in the first few scenes of Romeo and Juliet. All in all this week was extremely eventful, and productive.