Author: Tracey Kennedy
It's Been A Busy Spring!

We’ve had a very busy spring in the Grade 1/2 class! During our last visit to Little Cat Creek, we went snowshoeing through the woods. We had lots of fun trying to run and jump in the snow. We loved wearing pink shirts and dresses to support anti-bullying initiatives on Pink Shirt Day! As the weather warmed up, we started to take our coats off at recess, and we even celebrated with a recess conga-line! In Math, we learned about fractions by measuring while making cookies. What a delicious way to learn! We’ve been studying poetry in Language Arts class. We have written Haiku, Tanka, and Acrostic poems. Many of our poems are on display in the hallway outside our class.
An Exciting Start to the New Year in Grade 1/2
The Grade 1/2 class has had a very busy 2019 so far! We have been studying the weather in Science class, and we’ve had lots of really interesting weather outside to observe. We love playing in the snow at recess, and the ski trip to Calabogie was lots of fun! We earned an afternoon of games and had lots of fun playing Jenga, Trouble, and Connect 4. In Math we are studying fractions, money, time, and two-digit addition and subtraction. On the 100th Day of school we challenged ourselves by completing 100 Math questions and reading 100 books! We also had a fabulous time designing and building structures with 100 pieces of Lego.

Time Flies in Grade 1/2!

The fall has flown by in the Grade 1/2 classroom! We had lots of fun at Halloween, decorating cookies and playing games in our costumes! During the week of Remembrance Day, we enjoyed meeting Mark, a Canadian Veteran. We had lots of good questions about what he did to help people in other countries. We wrote beautiful poems about peace and talked about how we can bring peace to our home and school. We loved working in our Math books, doing Spelling sorts, reading Pippi Longstocking, building our Mission Moon Lego bases, and learning lots of new things about Holiday celebrations around the world! One of our favourite celebrations was Dutch Christmas. We even had a visit from Sinterklass! We sampled latkes and played with dreidels during Hanukkah! We hope that it snows again really soon! We loved playing in the fresh snow and making snow forts!

A Very Busy September in Grade 1/2

We had a wonderful time at the Kingston Fall Fair seeing all of the animals!

On International Peace Day we wrote about peace in our journals.

During our Mission Moon Lego Robotics class, we worked in groups to decide what we would need to take with us to the Moon!
We sampled food from Daphne’s garden, and we wrote about how we are thankful. It’s been a very busy month! We can’t wait to see what exciting things will happen in October!

Level Up Camp Summer 2018

This summer the Level Up Camp presented puppet plays based on children’s stories. We had lots of fun creating the scenery, making the props and the puppets, and presenting the plays to the younger campers and our families.
A spring filled with dancing, exploring, and recycling!
The Grade 1/2 Class has had a very busy spring! We were excited to be invited to watch the Grade 7/8 Shakespeare presentations. We loved being part of the jury as the Grade 7/8 students created a courtroom drama to determine who was responsible for Juliet’s death. The actors did a great job trying to…
Building Structures in Grade 1/2

We have some budding architects in the Grade 1/2 class. In studying structures, we discovered that triangles make great supports, stale marshmallows hold spaghetti better, and shorter pieces of spaghetti make a structure stronger and easier to move. We discovered that strong foundations allow us to build taller structures. We had a great time designing and building structures outside as well. Our next adventure will be making popsicle stick bridges.
A Busy Few Weeks!

The Grade 1/2 students have been very busy this winter. We enjoyed visiting Little Cat Creek and trying out the snowshoes! It was lots of fun! We learned about predators and their prey and followed tracks in the fresh snow. There were lots of animals exploring and hunting at Little Cat!

We had a great time celebrating Chinese New Year and the 100th day of school. We made Lego projects that used 100 pieces of Lego, did 100 Math questions, and wrote a journal entry about what we would be doing if we lived to be 100 years old!

January Grade 1/2 News
The Grade 1/2 class had a very busy January! We started the month by making New Year Resolutions and promises for 2018. Some of us promised to listen better and work more independently. Some promises were about helping more at home. We were sad to say good-bye to our St Lawrence placement student and had a farewell party to send her back to school. We had lots of fun learning to skate at the Invista Centre for Phys Ed class. Some of us even learned to skate backwards! There was a lot of snow in January, and we had lots of fun playing outside at recess. When it was too cold outside we danced inside. Our Flat Stanley projects and letters have started to come back to us in the mail. We had pictures and information arrive in the mail from Toronto, Montreal, North Bay, British Columbia, and Fredericton. Hopefully more will arrive soon! It is very exciting to mark our map with push pins and research the places that Flat Stanley has visited.