In 5/6 French this month, students have been working hard on constructing sentences and telling stories in the form of comic strips!
Author: Karen Lupu-Jacobsohn
Autumn trees in grade 5 & 6
Patterned warm and cool colour tree designs from grade 5 and 6 Art class:
7/8 French class - ooh lala
In French class we have been doing all sorts of fun things! The most fun has been working on our past tense verbs. Ha ha! Actually, the most fun has been researching amazing things that we could do in Montreal like laser tag, escape rooms, visiting the biosphere, and exploring Old Montreal. We made travel…
Le mois de la Francophonie
To celebrate French culture in March, the month of ‘la Francophonie’, we started off by attending the wonderful play “La bibliothécaire” at L’Octave theatre. Next we made French style crèpes while listening to Parisian music and exclaiming : ooh la la c’est delicieux! We will wrap up the month with more songs and fun!

3/4 Remembrance Day Artworks
This week, students in the grade 3/4 classes spent some time reflecting on how soldiers and military personnel have contributed to our safety and society both in the past and present. Working with charcoal to depict the cities they protect, the rolling hills and farmland that we are safe to cultivate because of their sacrifices, and mountains that signify other lands and our global connections, students created a backdrop for printed poppies and messages. We are happy that these artworks have made their way out into the community, to legions and near the base, so that those in service past and present can see the thoughtful gratitude that our students have expressed. Here are a few of the images.