Here are some of the highlights of our time at school so far.
In our house teams for Lego League, we have decided on a Lego project to build. We are all learning about how water travels and is used in different ways. We spent this week constructing our different methods of water travel.
In tech class we have been learning about typing. We have been playing a game called Skychase. Skychase is a racing game where we can race against others in the class. Each time you type a word correctly you move up one space, and if it you type the word incorrectly you do not move a space. Skychase has really helped us work on our typing skills!!
Language Arts
We have finished up our short stories units. This week we learned about acrostic poems. We brainstormed some ideas about Halloween and wrote our own acrostic poem about Halloween. Next week we are looking forward to starting our Novel Study!
We have had a very busy and fun two months of school! We are looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store for us!!
The Grade 3/4’s