Language Arts
April has been a very busy month in the Grade 3/4 class. We anxiously awaited the arrival of spring and enjoyed many learning activities and adventures. Here are some of our learning highlights:

Our focus in Language Arts this term was poetry. We explored a variety of different types of poems including acrostic, haiku, autobiographical, and sensory. We worked on painting pictures in our reader’s mind by using vivid language and descriptions. Our Poetry Portfolios are a showcase of excellent learning, creativity and a lot of hard work! We will be happy to show them off to anyone who asks!

Social Studies
In Social Studies this month the Grade 3’s continued to explore early settlers in Canada. We looked at pioneer homesteads and made our own floor plans of a pioneer log home. We also investigated occupations that existed during pioneer times. Students had to create a job advertisement based on the occupation they researched!
The Grade 4’s investigated the social hierarchy of Medieval Europe. We explored who had power, how they got that power, and how wealth was divided. We were left with a lot of questions about famous nobles during this time period and have started an inquiry into the impact of famous figures (ie. William the Conqueror & Mary Queen of Scots). Students are driving this inquiry through their own questions and research. We are excited to see what we find out!
Physical Education:
We headed back outside this month for Phys. Ed. We have been working on our long distance running. Students did a FANTASTIC job at the Bayridge Road Race. Everyone participated and had fun completing the 2km run.
Math group 3 made it to Lesson 100 in the Saxon program! Math groups 1 & 2 will make it to Lesson 100 this month. Hard work is happening all around. Keep it up, Grade 3’s and 4’s!

Looking Ahead:
May is a very busy month with lots of outings and events. We will be heading back to Little Cat Creek for our final 3 sessions. We will be exploring graphic texts and media in Language Arts. In Physical Education we will be starting our Track and Field unit. This month is going to fly by!

Love seeing those big smiles!
Good stuff, keep it up guys!