Grade 7/8 has been busy!

Hello Lakeshore Families!

January and February were busy months in the Grade 7/8 class despite a few weather-related interruptions! In Science class we conducted investigations into Heat Transfer, Cellular Biology, and Structures and Mechanisms. We have also been preparing for the All Science Challenge, Science Fair, and Heritage Fair. In Math, Algebra ½ students have been investigating equations, fractional word problems, similar triangles, and right geometric solids. The Algebra 1 students have been studying higher order roots, radical expressions, complex fractions, and trinomials. Students also conducted research on important leaders and events as part of Black History Month, dove deeper into world of Python programming, and made significant progress on their Personal Projects! We look forward to some more busy weeks as we near March Break!

An Exciting Start to the New Year in Grade 1/2

The Grade 1/2 class has had a very busy 2019 so far! We have been studying the weather in Science class, and we’ve had lots of really interesting weather outside to observe. We love playing in the snow at recess, and the ski trip to Calabogie was lots of fun! We earned an afternoon of games and had lots of fun playing Jenga, Trouble, and Connect 4. In Math we are studying fractions, money, time, and two-digit addition and subtraction. On the 100th Day of school we challenged ourselves by completing 100 Math questions and reading 100 books! We also had a fabulous time designing and building structures with 100 pieces of Lego.

New Year, New Adventures!

The Grade 3/4 class has had a great start to 2019! Students were very excited to come back to school and share all of their holiday adventures. It has been a busy month full of learning and fun. Here are some of the highlights:


We spent some time skating at the Invista Centre this month. Students really enjoyed lacing up their skates and showing off their skills. Even Miss Skinner tried out skating! It was a great way to spend our Wednesday gym class, and fun was had by all. 

Building Project

We were very lucky to have Richard come in and help us with a building project this month. Students learned how to design and build a wooden knot. Using their math skills, they measured, sketched, cut, and created wooden knot puzzles. The only challenge is getting them apart! A big thank you to Richard for all of your help with this exciting project!

Winter Weather 

It has been a cold and snowy end to January. Although we were stuck inside a few days, we took every opportunity to get out and play in the snow. Students loved digging, shovelling, building, and rolling in the snow mountains. 


We have had a lot of fun this month, but have also been busy learning. We picked up where we left off in Spelling and Math. The Grade 3’s have been exploring Pioneers in Social Studies, while the Grade 4’s look at daily life during Medieval Times. We have been busy comparing and contrasting these ways of life with our own. In Physical Education we have been learning the ins and outs of basketball. Students are showing some big improvements and are really enjoying learning about the game. In Language, the Grade 3’s are finishing up our novel study, The Tale of Despereaux. We have loved the adventures of this brave, little mouse! The Grade 4’s have started Independent Novel Studies and are working hard identifying story elements in books of their choosing. Overall, lots of learning continues to happen each day in Grade 3/4. 

Looking Ahead

February is set to be another busy month for us. We are really looking forward to the Ski Trip, Little Cat Creek, much more learning, and lots of fun with friends!