These last two weeks a lot happened in our class…and school! Some exciting/sad things that took place included: the Fort Henry Road Race, we organized a car wash for our end of year trip, Raghad one of our international students’ had her last day in Canada and had to travel back to Saudia Arabia, and Claire Schleger got to share her personal project story with a public school class.
Last Monday, Lakeshore’s Track and Field team left to run a race at Fort Henry. They left around 8:45 AM in the morning. Senior Girls (Grades 7 & 8) ran 2.5 km and
Senior Boys (Grades 7 & 8) ran 3.4 km. This was not an easy race because the terrain for this race was very bumpy and there were a lot of uphills and downhill. Everyone did awesome in their race and tried their best, there was A LOT of sweat! After the race, every runner from grade 3-8 got a ride to Mcdonalds and got a Mcflurry, a sweet treat to end the race!
Last Thursday was our Lakeshore Car Wash to raise money for our end of year trip.It was organized by the Grade by the Grade 7-8 class and 5-6 class! At the car wash, there was also a BBQ run by Mr. Schleger, the BBQ was amazing. We had many customers and raised around $700.00 before other costs. We all had different roles and some of us washed the tires, bumpers, windows and more! We had people advertise on the side of the road by holding signs and yelling at cars to come in! Because of the good advertising we had, we managed to draw in many Amy’ Taxis’s and a few of their cars came by and supported us! A lot of parents also showed up to the car wash. It was a pretty busy day and we got all got really wet and grimy.

On Thursday night our class went to Jack Astors to have a farewell dinner with Raghad our international student who is heading back to Saudi Arabia. The entire class came. The teachers that came were Ms. Singh, Ms. Bullock, Ms. Trish, Ms. Tonya and Mr. Schleger. Ms. Singh organized the dinner and the cake and brought gifts that each 7-8 student paid $5.00 dollars each for. I think Raghad really liked the custom-made mug that had pictures of our class on it. Other students also brought gifts for Raghad, it was sad to say good-bye and maybe one day we will get to go to the Middle East to visit her!

Finally, for part of her personal project, Claire Schleger wrote a novella about a young girl who challenged the status quo by trying out for a boy’s baseball team. She contacted different schools about organizing a reading to young classes and her first reading was organized by J.R. Henderson Public School.
She got to read her story to a grade 4 class and they all loved her story and asked her lots of interesting questions! It’s cool to see how different all of our personal projects are and how we get to involved in the community.

In conclusion, that’s been our busy last two weeks at #theshore!
By: Kevin Chen