It was another busy week last week!!
In Language Arts, we wrapped up symbolism in Romeo and Juliet by having a pot luck of all the foods that symbolize Love. We then presented this food to our classmates and described why they represented love. It was a nice way to end a unit and a fun way to celebrate the love of Romeo and Juliet.
In Science, we continued working on All Science Challenge units.
In Math, we split our week completing some lessons in our Saxon text book and then switching gears and having some fun. We began a Tetris tournament, using our spatial awareness, fine motor skills and reflexes, quick decision making and problem solving skills to try and come out on top. Unfortunately we are not quite finished yet, and the winner will be announced next week.
We had some very good work periods on our Heritage Fair projects. These are almost done and finishing touches are being made this week, as the fair is Thursday.
In music we prepared for our Coffee House at the Mansion. We had so much fun performing for friends and family. Everyone in the school did such a fantastic job!!
Another highlight of the week was competing at the Bayridge Road Race. We were resilient and persevered through this tough course of hills, and completed the race feeling accomplished and with a smile on our face. Thank you especially to Ms. Trish and Ms. Singh, and the other teachers who took us, because without them we wouldn’t be able to go to these events.
We completed our French Family Trees, and they are looking fantastic. It was fun to talk to our families and see the size of them in a visual format.
This coming week is another busy one as we have another road race and All Science Challenge to compete at. Check back in for more updates.
- The Grade 5/6 Class