The week of the 11-16 of February was special for the 5/6’s because on Wednesday, February 14th, we went to Calabogie Peaks to ski!
We took several cars for the 2 ½ hour trip and then got our ski gear on and flew through our tests. Everyone got a group lesson, going down the easiest trail with a ski instructor who would stop and teach us as we went. At 3:00, several people went home, but it was an overnight trip, so those staying enjoyed an hour of skiing without other school groups around. After skiing, a few students went to the pool and hot tub to relax, and we had a delicious taco dinner. We all went to our rooms and suites for a good night’s sleep before the next long day.
In the morning, there were a dozen options for breakfast with croissants, yogurt, granola, bagels, cereal…you name it, it was there. At 8:30 am sharp, everybody was waiting at the lifts, excited to go up for another day. For lunch, we had a sandwich bar with many options. After the refreshing feast, most kids went out to ski until 3:00. Then, the second wave of kids went home for the 4 day weekend.
Thank you to the parents who helped and the teachers who came along and organized this fantastic trip. Everyone had so much fun!!!