This week was very busy, the Grade 8’s had interviews for the Challenge Program at L.C.V.I. to see if they would be accepted into the program. The Ski Trip to Calabogie started on Wednesday February 14th, and ended Thursday, February 15th. If students were not participating in the Ski Trip, they participated in a Valentine’s…
Month: February 2018

New Year News in the Kindergarten Class!
It is February already! January flew by in the Kindergarten class! We started by skating at the Invista Center for Phys Ed. The children persevered and improved each time we went. We have some very good skaters in our class! They did an awesome job and had a great time! The big kids helped them…
Olympics have begun!!
On Monday, Feb 5th, we had an exciting class with Mr. Richard. With his guidance and assistance, we have been working hard to create bird houses in art class. This includes planning, designing, cutting wood, and painting. We even got to use the nail gun! The Toronto Zoo came into school and taught us about…

Our First Month of 2018!!
Welcome to Lakeshore School in 2018!!
We have had a very busy start to the New Year.
Some of our highlights for the month are:
- Art – We have been making a bird house. We had to draw and design our bird house before we could cut the wood. Mr. Richard showed us how to safely use some tools. It has been very fun using the different tools to cut and attach the walls and roof of our bird house.
- Language Arts – We have been working through our Novel Studies. We are almost done Bridge to Terabithia and were very surprised by an event that happened in the book.
- Gym – As a whole school we went skating once a week for 3 weeks. We had a lot fun skating together
- Tech- We have done a lot of cool stuff in tech class this month. We did a photoshop challenge with the grade 5/6 class where we worked with other members of our house teams to make the silliest looking picture of Mrs. Bullock, Ms. Tonya and Ms. Singh. We have also been programming our own games in Scratch. We have designed a game that moves a ball around the screen and we have to avoid different obstacles.
This has been another busy month! We are looking forward to what February has in store!
The Grade 3/4’s
Blades, Treats and Timber
The week from January 22nd to 26th 2018 began with a snow day, on which every Lakeshore student studied hard at home ;). Tuesday we started our project teaching different aspects of math to younger grades, and those of us involved in the play received our full scripts and started tackling memorization. Wednesday, the whole…
January Grade 1/2 News
The Grade 1/2 class had a very busy January! We started the month by making New Year Resolutions and promises for 2018. Some of us promised to listen better and work more independently. Some promises were about helping more at home. We were sad to say good-bye to our St Lawrence placement student and had a farewell party to send her back to school. We had lots of fun learning to skate at the Invista Centre for Phys Ed class. Some of us even learned to skate backwards! There was a lot of snow in January, and we had lots of fun playing outside at recess. When it was too cold outside we danced inside. Our Flat Stanley projects and letters have started to come back to us in the mail. We had pictures and information arrive in the mail from Toronto, Montreal, North Bay, British Columbia, and Fredericton. Hopefully more will arrive soon! It is very exciting to mark our map with push pins and research the places that Flat Stanley has visited.

A Busy Beginning to February
This week in the Lakeshore 7/8 class, we visited Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School for a presentation by KFL&A Public Health called Teens Trashing Tobacco. During this seminar we learned about four aspects, how addiction works and how it’s a vicious cycle that is very difficult to break away from, the cost of smoking, be…