We have been working very hard in the Grade 3/4 class! In Language Arts we have been learning about Bucket Filling. We started a Bucket Filling Journal and wrote about what it means to be a Bucket Filler. To get ready for Thanksgiving we talked about what we are thankful for. We were thankful for…
Month: October 2017
We have a lot to be thankful for ...
The Grade 1/2 class has been learning about proper sentence structure and punctuation. We practiced our sentence writing skills this week as we wrote about all of the things that we are thankful for. Many students were very thankful for their family, friends, and school. Students were also thankful for all of the trips that we have taken this year. We have learned so much from our trips to Little Cat Creek and the Fall Fair. Students were also very thankful for their after school clubs, teams, and activities. Many students listed soccer and hockey as activities that they are very thankful for. School subjects were also very popular in our thankful writing work. Math , Reading , and Lego Robotics were the subjects that the Grade 1/2 students were most thankful for. We’ll have to see if those subjects stay as popular as the year continues!

Writers' Fest and What's Good!
September 28th 2017 the grade 7/8 class went downtown to the Kingston Writer’s Festival to hear Craig Davidson speak about his memoir, Precious Cargo, and what you need to make a memoir. The seminar took place at the Holiday Inn, downtown from 11-12. Mr. Spencer and Mrs. Singh each drove a van full of students…
Numbers, Letters, and More!
Now that we have established classroom routines, it is time to get to business! This past week in Math, we were using chalk boards to practice writing numbers, and we had to draw pictures using that number. Some of the class had a chance to explore the number 6 and figure out how many ways…
First Lego League
We had another busy week! This week was our second trip to Little Cat Creek. We explored some new trails and pretended to be different animals. In Gym class we did Cosmic Yoga. We stretched, lunged, and jumped our way through a Star Wars story. This week was our first week doing the Lego League.…

We Survived...
What an adventure we had this week! We had the privilege of being taken on a two day backpacking trip to Frontenac Park by the incredible Mr. Schleger. When we arrived, we went straight to the office to check in and grab our campsite information. Not the most exciting thing to do, so Ms. Jesser…