We have been working very hard in the Grade 3/4 class! In Language Arts we have been learning about Bucket Filling. We started a Bucket Filling Journal and wrote about what it means to be a Bucket Filler. To get ready for Thanksgiving we talked about what we are thankful for. We were thankful for…
Day: October 10, 2017
We have a lot to be thankful for ...
The Grade 1/2 class has been learning about proper sentence structure and punctuation. We practiced our sentence writing skills this week as we wrote about all of the things that we are thankful for. Many students were very thankful for their family, friends, and school. Students were also thankful for all of the trips that we have taken this year. We have learned so much from our trips to Little Cat Creek and the Fall Fair. Students were also very thankful for their after school clubs, teams, and activities. Many students listed soccer and hockey as activities that they are very thankful for. School subjects were also very popular in our thankful writing work. Math , Reading , and Lego Robotics were the subjects that the Grade 1/2 students were most thankful for. We’ll have to see if those subjects stay as popular as the year continues!