Blast from the Past

(and a look into the future!)

While talking with a certain Grade 5 student today, I was reminded of all the art classes I have taught at Lakeshore over the past six (SIX!!!!!) years. It’s incredible to think that some of the students I first met as very small people are now fully-functioning, much bigger people.

I first started at Lakeshore School the year I was completing my Bachelor of Education at Queen’s University. I had recently returned home to Kingston after living in Nova Scotia for eight years, working primarily in theatrical costume design. I really enjoyed the work, but living so far away from family was tough, so I decided to make a change.

After arriving home, I was presented with a unique opportunity: instruct a rather small, just-starting-out school in Visual Art, while also completing my B.Ed classes in Kingston, and then pack up bags for Ottawa where I completed my teaching practicum. What a great balance!

I’m pretty sure the entire student population could have fit into the current Lakeshore Shuttle van: one Grade 6, three Grade 3 students and one Junior Kindergartener. Over the year, we experimented with paint, pencils and markers, and the Kindergarten class grew by the end of the year.  (The photos accompanying this post are from Ms. Trish’s Kindergarten class and feature students who are still proudly attending Lakeshore today!)

Obviously, the students have changed a little, but so has Lakeshore as a school. Our population went from barely filling a minivan to busting out of a school bus! The changes in class size meant changing the way the teachers teach, and so I am back to teaching Visual Art to the entire Grade 1-8 population! This is exciting to me because I finally get to harness the creativity of the entire school. So stay tuned for the budding artists of Lakeshore to start sharing their work and ideas with you!

~ Ms. Coe




First Week in Grade 7/8

First Week in Grade 7/8

Lakeshore School’s Grade 7/8 class came back into the swing of the school year with a bang! Students woke up after an enjoyable summer vacation and happily arrived at Lakeshore in anticipation of a great year. Our new homeroom teacher, Ms. Singh, introduced how language was going to work this year and the Grade 7/8 class did video diaries to communicate our feelings and goals for the course. After catching up with our friends after a great summer holiday, the school was debriefed and enjoyed a back to school fun day! Every student became a member of a special team that would work together to earn points for themselves. After the excitement of the first day of school, the Grade 7/8 class got back into a regular routine. Students enjoyed learning about memoirs and had fun writing their own six-word memoirs that summed up their life. Also, students enjoyed a semi immersion French class where conversational skills were worked on, and vocabulary developed through French worksheets. In Math class, the 7/8’s inquired about the math behind a hurricane. Students did a loosely structured project to figure out what they found the most interesting factor of a hurricane and studied that particular factor. The Grade 7/8’s did Science and Geography separately and with great interest. The introduction to these subjects laid the base of what students would be studying throughout the school year. On Friday, the school took a field trip to Kendrick’s Beach. Teams participated in challenges to earn them points, and the brave people who decided to swim in the frigid lake enjoyed their fluffy towels afterwards. Overall, the first week of the school year was a great success!

Welcome to French Class

Chers parents d’élèves,

Mon nom est Victoire Momo et je serai cette année l’enseignante de Français de votre enfant ainsi que du programme après l’école pour l’aide aux devoirs en français de vos enfants tous les Mardi ,et la classe de conversation en français deux fois dans la semaine les Mardi et les Vendredi soir.
Je voudrais par ce message entamer avec vous une année faite de communication, de collaboration et de respect mutuel. Je pourrais ainsi suivre dans les meilleures conditions la scolarité de votre enfant et intervenir sur celle-ci de manière pertinente et concertée.
Conscient du stress que peut générer l’approche de la langue étrangère, je ferai mon possible pour faciliter l’intégration de votre enfant et lui permettre de trouver dans sa classe un espace d’épanouissement adapté. Pour cela, je suis à votre disposition, à l’écoute de vos remarques ou questions qui peuvent contribuer au bon fonctionnement de la classe et au développement scolaire et humain de chacun des élèves.

En me réjouissant de notre prochaine rencontre, je vous remercie d’avance pour votre collaboration.


Dear Parents,

My name is Victoire Momo and I will be teaching French to students from Grade 3 to 8, an  after school program in French every Tuesday, and conversational French classes on Tuesday and Friday evenings.

With this message to you, I would like to start  a year of communication, collaboration, and mutual respect. It will allow me to tell you about the nature of our class and allow you to communicate about your child’s progress in a relevant and concerted manner.

Conscious of the stress that can go along with learning a foreign language, I will do my best to facilitate the integration of your child and allow him/her to find a space to flourish in their classroom.  To make this happen, I am available to listen to your remarks or questions that can improve our classroom and contribute to the academic and human development of each student.

Looking forward to a great year,



Victoire Momo

Welcome to Grade 3/4 at Lakeshore School!

Lakeshore Students and Parents,

Welcome to a new school year! My name is Mrs. Bullock, and this is my second year teaching at Lakeshore school. I am very excited to be teaching the Grade 3/4 class and Science this year. It’s going to be a great year full of learning, fun and adventure. I have had an amazing summer spent with my two children. We spent our summer at the cottage, on the ball field, and traveling to Florida. I am excited to be back in the classroom and ready for a great first month of school.

Fun Facts About Me

Favourite Movie: Star Wars

Favourite Drink: Chocolate Milk

Favourite Sport: Softball/Baseball

Favourite Food: Sushi

Favourite Subject: Science and Math

I can’t wait to spend the next year learning and growing with you!