First Week in Grade 7/8

First Week in Grade 7/8

Lakeshore School’s Grade 7/8 class came back into the swing of the school year with a bang! Students woke up after an enjoyable summer vacation and happily arrived at Lakeshore in anticipation of a great year. Our new homeroom teacher, Ms. Singh, introduced how language was going to work this year and the Grade 7/8 class did video diaries to communicate our feelings and goals for the course. After catching up with our friends after a great summer holiday, the school was debriefed and enjoyed a back to school fun day! Every student became a member of a special team that would work together to earn points for themselves. After the excitement of the first day of school, the Grade 7/8 class got back into a regular routine. Students enjoyed learning about memoirs and had fun writing their own six-word memoirs that summed up their life. Also, students enjoyed a semi immersion French class where conversational skills were worked on, and vocabulary developed through French worksheets. In Math class, the 7/8’s inquired about the math behind a hurricane. Students did a loosely structured project to figure out what they found the most interesting factor of a hurricane and studied that particular factor. The Grade 7/8’s did Science and Geography separately and with great interest. The introduction to these subjects laid the base of what students would be studying throughout the school year. On Friday, the school took a field trip to Kendrick’s Beach. Teams participated in challenges to earn them points, and the brave people who decided to swim in the frigid lake enjoyed their fluffy towels afterwards. Overall, the first week of the school year was a great success!